Proof of Concept Puzzle Brochure
Developed Using: Adobe illustrator, Figma
Status: Mockup Completed
Role in Project: Lead Designer and Tester
The Big Idea competition at Bradley University consists of 3 stages. A written proposal, an open showing, and a pitch session. This was a proof of concept handout used to entice, inform, and otherwise engage anyone who approached our booth during the open showing.
Unfortunately the open showing for spring of 2020 was closed due to concerns over COVID-19. However, the document was thoroughly tested to ensure that it was solvable, engaging, and successful in its design.
The goal of the document was to have subtle clues on every panel, so that information would be carried throughout the puzzle experience. The punctuation, including the quotation marks are hints to the puzzle solve, as are the round shapes when compared side-by-side.
The language was also intentionally deliberate and used to hide clues. Color scheme was also tested thoroughly to ensure that visibility of certain clues would be obscured at first glance, particularly in the clue elements hidden in different orientations.
A Bi-stable image and coded design were used to indicate the solved state. An unhappy homeless person becomes happy when they have a home.