Game Type: Board Game
Developed Using: Adobe Illustrator, Tabletop Simulator
Status: Base game complete. Currently undergoing expansion.
Role in Project: Project lead, Project management, Game Designer, Developer, Testing lead, Marketing, and Graphic Design.
"Inns & Outcasts" is a short, action-packed card game designed for 3-8 players. It was developed during the Covid-19 pandemic as a print-and-play game to provide relief to households, and create connectivity for friend groups that were no longer able to play together in a local space - instead being able to play virtually via Table Top Simulator or downloading, printing, and playing over Discord.
The game functions by having all players make their decisions at the start of the turn. Every player plays a card, which resolve in a set sequence. Once all effects have been resolved, players tally up their points for the round, then play their next card from their now reduced hands. Cards are gathered up when players have only one card left in order to ensure they always have choices.
Each card has a special set of abilities, and resolve in a set order based on their "Initiatives".
The game takes elements of social deduction and strategy into play as players race to gather the most gold they can each turn. The player with the most gold at the end of the game being the winner.
Card art was redone to make a information quicker and easier to read. Most cards have moved entirely towards icons for gameplay elements. Flavor text is still present, but not required to play the game.
Elements were added for our physical print version, which we took to Kickstarter. Additional elements included coins, redesigned table setting cards, expanded player boards, and a "Head of the Table" token. The Kickstarter itself can be found at
Fellow Collaborators
Blake Messmer - Designer
Jennifer Wehage-Noetzel - Illustrator