Game Type: PC Game
Developed Using:  Unity, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe XD
Status: Project Completed.
Role in Project: Producer, UI Artist
"Bottom Line" was a sci-fi combat racing game. Thematically the game was meant to be the exaggerated expression of capitalism in the far future. Mega Corporations held death races to boost their product sales in the race "Bottom Line"
Bottom Line Downloadable Link
This project was developed over the course of an entire year as part of the Bradley University Game Design Capstone. The team, Team Terminal Velocity, fluctuated in size over the two semesters - but remained roughly at 11 people. This included artists, designers, composers, and developers.
The project was meant to showcase the talents of the various team members and serve as a portfolio piece to help graduating seniors find jobs within the industry.
The game was designed to work as 4-player local co-op. The genre would fall between racing and combat racing. Taking examples from Mario Kart, Blur, and Twisted Metal. Players would be able to choose between three vehicles tailored to different skill sets.
All Vehicles
All Vehicles
Artists were a scarce commodity within the project. As such, their efforts were spent making the vehicles, while designers would handle the track construction. Individual set pieces would be made by 3D artists, but designers would work on using in-engine modeling tools to create the track environments.
In addition to developing UI icons and team management, I was also in charge of developing our reference documents.
Environmental References
Environmental References
Building shapes
Building shapes
Building lighting references
Building lighting references
Sci-Fi Environment References
Sci-Fi Environment References
Vehicle References
Vehicle References
Additional Vehicle References
Additional Vehicle References
Continued Vehicle references
Continued Vehicle references
Company design page for Stellar Evolution & Singularity Inc
Company design page for Stellar Evolution & Singularity Inc
Company design for Supermassive & Fulcrum Inc.
Company design for Supermassive & Fulcrum Inc.
Company design for Genethics & Vehicle concepts for Pain Train (From Fulcrum Inc)
Company design for Genethics & Vehicle concepts for Pain Train (From Fulcrum Inc)
Vehicle concepts
Vehicle concepts
UI designs
UI designs
Vehicle models
Vehicle models
Additional Vehicle models
Additional Vehicle models
​​​​​​​Ultimately I plan to finalize the game, and take it though the process of publication.
Fellow Collaborators on Project