inFuse Application Mockup
Developed Using:  Adobe illustrator, Adobe XD, and Adobe InDesign
Status: Mockup Completed
Role in Project: Solo Design Project
Infuse was a design project to lay out the foundational use of a proposed application for android phones.  The application would be used to support the annual FUSE exhibition event put on by Bradly University's Interactive Media Department. The function of the application would be to assist guests of the event, as well as the students that are running the event itself.
During the project, several documents were required, such as:
A Moodboard
A Competition Analysis of Multiple Competing Applications

Low Fidelity Wireframes
High Fidelity Mockups
and several design iterations

First Design
First Design
Second Design
Second Design
Third Design
Third Design
Fourth Design
Fourth Design
Fifth Design
Fifth Design
Final Design
Final Design